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中田英寿がプロデュースする、日本酒の魅力をあじわい尽くせる、"SAKE"の一大プロジェクト「CRAFT SAKE WEEK (クラフト サケ ウィーク) 」。
Craft Sake Week is a large-scale project spearheaded by Hidetoshi Nakata that aims to educate and help others fully appreciate the appeal of Japanese sake.The original event was spurred by Nakata's desire to help others discover a Japanese sake that fit their own specific tastes. Participants were provided with extensive opportunities to learn about and enjoy high-quality Japanese sake, with each uniquely themed day featuring 10 different breweries for a total of 100 breweries over a 10-day period.
Newly expanded in scale, the event was held for a second time in 2017 with venues in both Roppongi and Hakata. In addition to carefully selected Japanese sake, the event featured several of Japan's finest restaurants, including renowned Michelin-starred restaurants, which offered special event-only menus based on a theme of "fermentation" and designed to pair well with Japanese sake. A special performance by techno music superstar Richie Hawtin also helped further liven up the Roppongi venue.日本各地の文化・伝統・食・ものづくりに直接ふれ、世界に誇れる文化や技術を"再発見"することを目的に、中田英寿が2009年春から始めた47都道府県をめぐる旅。
In the spring of 2009, Hidetoshi Nakata began a journey across Japan during which he would visit all 47 of its prefectures with the goal of experiencing local cultures, traditions, foods, and craftsmanship in a "rediscovery" of the culture and workmanship that Japan prides itself on.日本各地の文化・伝統・食・ものづくりに直接ふれ、世界に誇れる文化や技術を"再発見"することを目的に、中田英寿が2009年春から始めた47都道府県をめぐる旅。
In the spring of 2009, Hidetoshi Nakata began a journey across Japan during which he would visit all 47 of its prefectures with the goal of experiencing local cultures, traditions, foods, and craftsmanship in a "rediscovery" of the culture and workmanship that Japan prides itself on.2009年の春から日本全国の旅を始めた中田は、行く先で出会った伝統工芸家たちの技術の高さや職人としてのプロ意識の尊さに惹かれ、同時に伝統工芸が抱える後継者不足などの問題も実感。そこで、日本の伝統工芸・文化・技術などの魅力をより多くの人に知ってもらう「きっかけ」を作り、伝統工芸の継承・発展を促すことを目的としてスタートした。
"陶磁器"、"木工"、"ガラス"といった工芸ジャンルから毎年ひとつをテーマに選出し、プロジェクトの主旨に賛同した様々な分野の専門家によるアドバイザリーボードメンバーが、テーマとなったジャンルの工芸家とアーティストやデザイナーといった共同制作者を選んでチームを結成、自由な発想で作品を制作。TAKE ACTION FOUNDATIONでは、この作品制作を通じて、伝統工芸の魅力を広く伝えるために広報活動や展覧会を開催した。After beginning his journey across Japan in the spring of 2009, Nakata found himself drawn to the skilled craftsmanship and dignified professionalism of the traditional artisans he encountered along the way. At the same time, he developed an awareness of the issues faced by the traditional arts, including a lack of artisans to carry them on. In response to these issues, he launched the Revalue Nippon Project to create opportunities for more people to experience the allure of Japanese traditional arts, culture, and craftsmanship, while also working to both preserve and nurture the further growth of those arts.
Each year a single theme is selected from among the pottery, woodwork, and glasswork genres. Members of an advisory board comprised of leading experts from a variety of fields then choose artists and designers active in the chosen genre to form a collaborative team which is given creative freedom to produce new works. The Take Action Foundation contributes by engaging in public relations activities and has held exhibitions aiming to increase awareness of the beauty of traditional arts and crafts by leveraging this creation of new works.陶磁器の産業と文化の高揚に寄与することを目的に、3年に1度、セラミックバレー"美濃"を舞台として様々な事業が展開される世界最大級の陶磁器の祭典「国際陶磁器フェスティバル美濃」の2017年の総合プロデューサーに中田英寿が就任した。
With the aim to contribute to the enhancement of the ceramic culture and industry, the festival, which is the largest ceramics festival is the world, is held once every three years in Mino through various local initiatives. Hidetoshi Nakata was appointed as the general producer of the "International Ceramics Festival '17 Mino, Japan".中田英寿が2014年から実行委員を務めるSAKE COMPETITIONは、"世界一おいしい日本酒"を決める、出品酒世界最多、唯一日本酒だけのコンペティション。
Since 2014, Hidetoshi Nakata has been an executive committee member of "SAKE COMPETITION" which determines "the world's most delicious sake" and has the largest number of entries in the world for a competition exclusively for sake.SAKE COMPETITION is the only Japanese sake competition in the world for consumers as it is limited to commercially available sake.
Seeing that it was a problem that consumers' purchasing criteria was based on brand name and recognition, the initial idea was "to set new standards so that consumers can have more opportunities to sample delicious sake, regardless of brand."
Nakata's efforts to convey the appeal of Japanese sake both domestically and overseas were appreciated and since 2014 he has been participating as an organizing committee member. In addition to serving as a presenter of the awards ceremony, Nakata's contribution includes the suggestion of a new "Label design category" which was introduced in 2017. While the Japanese sake industry has received a boost of attention in recent years from the Intangible Cultural Heritage registration of Japanese traditional cuisine and the sake boom, the competition is also increasingly gaining recognition as the largest Japanese sake competition in terms of entries.2015年春夏シーズンよりスタートした、『デサント』ブランドのゴルフカテゴリー「デサントゴルフ」のアンバサダーに中田英寿が就任。
Hidetoshi Nakata was appointed as the ambassador of "Descente's" new brand category "Descente Golf" which debuted in 2015 SS.BMW NEW5シリーズのコンセプト「ビジネスアスリート」に合致した中田英寿がブランドフレンドに指名され、クラフトマンシップに基づきこだわり抜かれた5シリーズとの様々なコラボレーションが実現。
Hidetoshi Nakata who conforms to the "business athlete" concept of BMW's NEW 5 Series, was nominated as a brand friend. Various collaborations were realized with the 5 Series which was based on attention to craftsmanship.BMW NEW5 シリーズのウェブサイト「5REASONS FOR SUCCESS」において、 中田が5シリーズに実際に触れ、車の魅力を実感する様子や、ビジネスで成功するための条件についてインタビューにも答えている。
また、NEW5シリーズローンチイベントにおいて、BMWJAPAN社長ペーター・クロンシュナーブル氏とのトークセッションを行ったり、BMWフェスティバルでドライビングの楽しさなどを語るなど、ブランドフレンドとしてBMW NEW5シリーズの魅力を発信している。中田の日本を巡る旅から厳選した「工芸」「日本酒」「宿」「レストラン」「手みやげ」をまとめた書籍『に・ほ・ん・も・の』。各地を訪ね、土地と暮らしに密着したものづくりや食文化を経験し、人とのつながりを学んだ中田だからこそ、日本のみならず世界中の人に知ってもらいたい、日本のほんものの作り手たちを紹介します。
This book compiles the very finest of Japan that Nakata has to offer, including handicrafts, saké, restaurants, and gifts. Nakata is highly knowledgeable, having visited all the different regions of Japan, experiencing their craftsmanship and cuisine. Having studied the connections that these facets of culture and how they connect people together, it is our desire at Nakata to share these special aspects with you and all others around the world, straight from the people who produce them.中田が日本を巡る旅を始めたのは2009年4月。以降、各地の自然や生活・伝統に触れながら、豊かな食文化とものづくりの技術の高さを知り、人と対話することで、日本文化の魅力・美しさを世界に発信するようになりました。この書籍に収められているのは、「世界の人に誇りたい日本の逸品」であり「日本人も知らない、日本の本当にいいもの」です。
Nakata began touring around Japan in April of 2009. Since then, he has come to experience the nature, lifestyles, and traditions of each area of the country, as well as improve his knowledge of their rich cultures in terms of cuisine and craftsmanship. Through communicating with others, he has been able to disseminate information about the allure and beauty of Japanese culture to people throughout the world. The contents of this book feature items of the highest caliber that we at Nakata feel Japan should be proud of. They represent the real, true Japan, one that even many of its own citizens may be unaware of.